Saturday, May 19, 2007

Green guilt trips - stop

I am really digging this new blog gig, although my 5-year old is desperate to get me off the computer so he can check out the NBA Playoff recaps on Blogging is quite empowering and liberating and, well, it's just plain awesome!

Every day, I think of more ways that I can help change how my family (and, maybe yours) can help protect the planet. And, it's not just about us recycling better or driving less or not drinking water bottled from afar... it's about changing our collective mindset. And that, my friends, is going to be the hardest thing to do for all of us - not just me and my boys.

I'll admit it - I've screwed up the environment. I truly have. And, I'm trying to own up to that fact and start fixing it. Some experts are yelling that it's too late, that we're a decade past the point of no return, but I think that scare tactic is full of bunk. I believe that view is going to make people care less and give up faster. I know in my heart that if us non-greenies start to make changes now, we can have a positive impact. (That's a subtle shout-out to all my fellow Mommys - you know who you are!)

But, as I said earlier, it's about first changing how we approach life and the little things we can control, and about how for moms especially, we have to stop feeling guilty about how we don't always make the right, green, decisions. And, I'm not talking about those big, expensive decisions, like about which car to buy - the behemoth, polluting SUV so you can drive 5 kids in carpool or the eco-friendly hybrid that will help save the world.

I'm talking about things like actually recycling your newspapers or water bottles on a daily basis, and not hiding them in the bottom of the regular waste can. I mean, why do we hide them, anyway? Is the waste collector going to call us out? Tell our moms? Get on a loudspeaker and cruise through the neighborhood denouncing us and our evil ways? Why are we afraid to be judged for that, and yet not so afraid to stop doing it?

At the supermarket, are you as confused as I am about whether to choose paper or plastic? They both create enormous CO2 output during production. Should I hand carry my food? Should I buy one of those recycled bags (and you'll need way more than 1) to help schlep my pricey organic items to the car - which oh, by the way, is a gas-guzzling SUV (I'm sorry)?

See what I mean? The guilt is everywhere. But, during my plane trip epiphany, I realized that I have to stop feeling so badly about all of it, and just start moving forward. I could either stay in this horrible limbo, or get off the proverbial pot and make a difference. I can't feel guilty anymore, and neither should you!

I keep thinking about the adage, "Rome wasn't built in a day." I know we don't have a whole lot of time to muck around in whether or not to be more responsible, but let's just try. Let's try together, today, this afternoon, tonight. Just try.

I'm asking you to become a ModernEcoMom like me - it's going to be a struggle, but us modern moms are unstoppable when we want to do something good, especially when we want to do it together. Our kids need and deserve a cleaner environment and a healthier future. And, we need it, too.

I've got a billion ideas, tons of information I want to share. I'm going to talk about topics related to greening your baby, your kids, your homes, your mode of life. In the process, I want to hear from you so that we can feel that sense of sisterhood, gain strength because we're not alone in this struggle, and know that on a daily basis, "we can do it because other MEMs have got our back."

So, email me at with your ideas, thoughts, comments, whatever. I will listen and share.

Okay, I've got to check out the box scores.